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Bringing it all together: Working effectively with Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace

Your organization may be a house divided. Some teams are using Microsoft 365, while others prefer Google Workspace (formerly G-Suite).

This mixing and matching of productivity tools is a common occurrence—one SaaS firm studied their customers and found that in organizations with 100% adoption of Microsoft Outlook, nearly a third of users leverage Google Workspace. On the other hand, those with 100% adoption of Gmail see over 25% using Microsoft OneDrive.

It’s beneficial to allow different teams to use the productivity tools that best fit their style, and users of iManage Work make it clear they want to use both options. And now, they can.

Separate suites  

Double productivity suites can make it challenging to collaborate on documents effectively. Even if your organization has committed to one productivity suite, third-party contractors (say, outside counsel) can still complicate matters if they use Google when you prefer Microsoft, or vice versa.

Working in separate systems can also complicate security. When your productivity suites aren’t both connected to iManage Work, documents must be shared via other methods, such as email or USB drives. Once documents leave iManage Work, their security cannot be ensured to the same degree as if they stayed in the system.

Using both Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace can also create data silos. If documents are stored outside of iManage Work, it can be much harder to track them down, especially if they are held in a productivity suite that the searcher doesn’t use.

The solution: iManage add-on for Google Workspace

The problems associated with using both Microsoft and Google productivity suites are a thing of the past with the new iManage Add-On for Google Workspace. When combined with the deep integration between Microsoft and iManage, the iManage Add-On for Google Workspace makes all your documents— from each productivity suite — secure, searchable, and sharable via iManage Work. Employees from different departments and teams can work together friction-free with iManage-level security.

All users can find the documents they need in iManage and open them in their productivity suite of origin. Users can also collaborate on the go, since the iManage Add-On works on any device that supports Google Workspace Add-ons.

Since documents can be shared with links to iManage Work, you can limit security concerns from downloading and sharing documents. Like all documents stored in iManage Work, administrators can apply need-to-know security, ethical walls, and bulk changes by user groups to Google Workspace files in iManage. Compliance audits are also simplified since iManage document timelines track actions, actors, and history of Google files stored in iManage.

With the iManage Add-On for Google Workspace, content silos aren’t an issue. Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides can now be filed within iManage Work, allowing association by matter or project. One search in iManage can pull up all the needed files on a topic, and then open them in their suite of origin.

Work your way with iManage

Whether your team or collaborators prefer Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, or a combination thereof, you can all work together securely with the iManage Add-On for Google Workspace.

Learn more about iManage Add-On for Google Workspace today.

About the author

Ganesh Krithikavasan

Ganesh Krithikavasan is a Product Manager for iManage Drive, where he's responsible for leading the experimental work for the product, integrations, and strategy. Prior to iManage, he worked in Product R&D for nuVizz Inc.