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While they may differ from law firms in a variety of ways, legal professionals in corporate law departments face similar challenges in getting work done.

Businesses across the board cope with ever-increasing costs, driving the imperative from leadership to increase productivity.

Globalization, mergers, and acquisitions in both landscapes result in multiple locations, increasingly complex regulatory requirements, and a greater need for governance and oversight.

Meanwhile, the typical organizational risks are compounded by cybersecurity threats never imagined, pre-Internet. And the insistent drumbeat to harness technology – both to overcome obstacles and to act on every opportunity – goes on.

Tools for the way people work

But despite their similarity to law firms, corporate law departments are often expected to use the same tools that the rest of the enterprise uses. Solutions designed for enterprise use – such as those used for document and email management – do not typically accommodate the needs of knowledge workers who manage and are responsible for large volumes of high-value, regulated, and secure documents and emails.

In recent years the inescapable rise in work being performed outside the office – with the attendant necessity for remote collaboration – has only magnified the challenges. The shortcomings of using enterprise-focused tools for legal-focused knowledge work can seriously handicap legal professionals in their efforts to work and collaborate safely, effectively, and securely.

Global brands, universal insights

How have other legal professionals managed the disruptions in workforce deployment to sustain agility within their enterprise and help keep their businesses competitive? How are their stories the same or different from yours? More importantly, can you benefit from their experience?

In our latest e-book, 4 Lessons Learned From Corporate Law Departments, we share the stories of four in-house law departments. Working within large, highly complex, global brands these legal professionals and teams identify and respond to real problems that you may relate to.

These organizations find solutions for:

  • Working the way lawyers work
  • Delivering a global view of your business
  • Making security invisible to users
  • Enabling better collaboration between departments

You can read about their individual journeys – from finding the pain points in their organization, to mapping effective strategies to reach their goal, through the best practices and the lessons they’ve learned along the way. Download the free e-book today.

About the author

Heidi Hanson