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How can law firms with fewer than 100 users and limited IT expertise compete with larger, national, or multinational firms for new business?

With care to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities at the outset, smaller firms can take advantage of cloud-based technology to boost document management, collaboration, and data security capabilities — and help level the playing field.

Considering the cloud value proposition

Features like worldwide access, better data security, and “always-on” functionality are compelling reasons to make the move to the cloud. As you contemplate this important transition and assess your user’s needs, you may also want to consider the superior value of adopting enterprise-grade cloud versus a general-purpose cloud solution.

Significant capabilities are gained from implementing a native cloud platform. Best-of-breed network and security tools that continuously monitor and protect your data are not least among those advantages. You may even decide that an approach that improves your DMS, search, and collaborative capabilities, as part of an overall cloud migration strategy, offers a more attractive value proposition.

Also, be mindful that without a true cloud architecture and a robust foundational encryption model your firm may not realize the many anticipated advantages of a cloud-based environment. You could lose out on productivity gains, security benefits, and the potential to work more closely with clients and respond more quickly to their needs.

Having migrated our own iManage platform to Microsoft Azure, iManage is uniquely qualified to explain the key advantages we are able to pass on to our cloud-aspiring customers — whatever the size of their firm.

Don’t miss out on key cloud benefits

Our customers’ desire for cutting-edge capabilities, as well as reliability, availability, and advanced security, are met by pairing iManage legal expertise and document management proficiency with Microsoft’s deep, ongoing investment and innovation in cloud technology.

iManage Cloud and Microsoft together offer:

A modern collaboration environment. Drag and drop documents, preview, edit, and search within Microsoft Teams to collaborate securely without switching applications.

Streamlined and project-centric workflow. Familiar Microsoft applications like Outlook, Teams, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint bring documents and emails together into a matter-centric workflow, just as the project team needs them.

Always on, multinational accessibility. Wherever people are, 360 matter file provides a comprehensive view of information for a specific client, matter, or project, regardless of where the content is saved, around the world.

Real cloud security gains. Improved data security is a key advantage we bring to every law firm — large and small. That includes disaster recovery tools, pervasive security and governance, protection from cyberattack, uptime guarantees, data resiliency, customer-managed encryption keys, and more. 

Bringing the power to transform

Staying ahead of bad actors takes a heavy toll on an in-house team with limited resources. We are committed to supporting smaller firms who have digital transformation in their sights. Small to mid-market law firms comprise nearly 60% of iManage customers worldwide.

In the video excerpt below, John Verry, CISO & Managing Partner, Pivot Point Security, and Mark Richman, Director Product Management, iManage, take on the question of what a small firm with limited IT resources can do to compete with larger firms for new business.

Please watch the video clip below.

About the author

Dan Rimland