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Legal Tech’s 2021 document management buyer’s guide

Legal Tech Publishing’s annual review of the document management industry again features iManage. They highlight three features of iManage Work 10 that caught their eye this year in a comprehensive report covering every aspect of the platform.

Legal Tech Publishing provides guides for practicing lawyers, in-house legal teams, and legal professionals to help them select the right technology for the needs of their team, clients, or business. Each year, in partnership with respected industry publication Above the Law / Evolve the Law, they create a series of buyer guides focused on Document Management, Document Automation, and Document Styling platforms and tools.

In their latest publication, Document Management, Assembly & PDF Tools Buyers Guide 2021 Edition, they have researched five Document Management Systems, including iManage Work 10.

As the report authors Cathy Kenton (CEO, Legal Tech Publishing Group) and Brian Dalton (SVP, Breaking Media) state:

“At the center of every legal matter, there are two constants: the representing firm and the documents they create, review or manage. With so many new technologies available to attorneys to aid the creation, editing, management, review, or signature of documents, it can be hard to stay up to date and even harder to understand what makes each solution special.”

To that last point of what makes a solution special, the report describes iManage as “comprehensive document and email management that is enhanced with AI, security, and governance” and, in their comprehensive description of iManage Work 10, they highlight three aspects of the platform:

Microsoft Office integration

The first is around the tight integration iManage Work 10 has with Microsoft Office, highlighting that “legal professionals spend a considerable amount of time in Microsoft Outlook where all the functionality of iManage Work 10 is conveniently available”.

Intelligent search

The report then calls out the iManage intelligent search functionality, particularly the personalized search. The report observes that it “lists files that you already have a prior relationship with” meaning that the system understands the context of the user, the matters, and types of documents they frequently work on to put the correct documents at their fingertips instead of wasting time searching.

Secure collaboration

The third call out is about iManage Share, which allows users to create secure folders and share them internally and externally. They observe how this enables users to “easily collaborate on documents with the finance department, human resources or even outside counsel,” critical today, as we have been accelerated into remote working and depend on digital tools for collaboration.

These are just three highlights in a comprehensive 2,500-word deep dive into the platform that extensively covers iManage Work 10, described as an “intuitive cloud-based document management and email management system” that you can download for free here.

About the author

Ian Truscott