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Helping our customers stay productive while working remotely

Our thoughts are with all those affected by this worldwide pandemic, and we hope that you and your families are safe and well. As we all adopt to the changes brought on by COVID-19, iManage’s priority is to do our best to ensure our customers’ continued success in this unprecedented new environment.

We have created a series of blog posts and associated resources to help our customers be productive, secure, and collaborative while working from home.

Like most organizations, iManage has implemented a remote work policy in the last few weeks, and our own experiences have informed our approach. Our goal is to enable you and your teams to get the most out of the iManage features and capabilities already available to you.

To best serve our community, we brought our experts together, over appropriate remote communications, to identify steps you can take that are readily available, easy to implement, and will deliver the biggest benefit. We have developed a prioritized list of actions to enable your organization to work more effectively and securely from home. This is just the first installment, so please continue to check back with us.

Here are the top three things we recommend you can do right now, along with videos to further illustrate how we can help.

Enabling scalable remote work

Rapidly shifting a large number of staff to a work from home model can strain the capacity of your remote work solutions. Rather than ramping up new infrastructure, enabling iManage Work 10 Web offers an easy and efficient solution. Many of you are already running Work 10 servers, so you are essentially one URL away from enabling Work 10 Web for your users. Once you provide the URL, users can work from anywhere, at any time, supported by full iManage security protections. The Work 10 Web experience enables you to scale your deployment more effectively and empower your users to securely access content and be productive from their home, office, or any location.

Organizations that have successfully deployed Work 10 report that 1-2-minute instructional videos were instrumental in gaining user adoption and boosting satisfaction. To support your roll-out, we have compiled a library of short best practices videos that you can provide to your users to boost their adoption and satisfaction with iManage Work 10.

Watch these YouTube videos for best practices on using Work 10 web online. And check out this YouTube video on working remotely with iManage Work 10 Web.

Contact us to explore how you can take full advantage of Work 10 for remote work.

Enhance productivity by integrating iManage with Microsoft Teams

We see many organizations rushing to implement Microsoft Teams to support remote communications and collaboration. Teams can be a very compelling solution when people are working from home, but it has the potential to create new silos of information that are not connected to your document management solution. One way to ensure that you maintain a single source of truth for documents is to integrate Teams with iManage Work.

You can easily integrate iManage Work into Microsoft Teams to make users more productive and secure while working remotely. We have created a video detailing five ways to use iManage Work with Microsoft Teams, including:

  • Accessing matter-related documents and emails simply and easily
  • Drag and drop documents from iManage into Teams conversation
  • Leverage Teams to collaborate on document revisions
  • And more

With iManage and Microsoft Teams you can collaborate more efficiently and securely, while maintaining a single-governed repository for all your critical work product.

Watch this video to learn five ways you can enhance productivity with iManage Work and Microsoft Teams.

Contact us for help with your iManage and Microsoft Teams integration.

Get everyone on the same page by enabling Co-Authoring

Working from home creates unique challenges for lawyers who are used to working in a very collaborative environment to create documents. iManage Work enables better collaboration for remote workers with comprehensive document co-authoring capabilities, directly from the familiar iManage Work interface. If your organization uses Office 365, you can take advantage of iManage’s co-authoring function to give multiple remote users the ability to review and edit documents simultaneously.  As collaborating from home offices becomes the new normal, this capability can enable users to be more productive and efficient, while maintaining centralized security and governance.

Learn how co-authoring works in iManage Work with this guideAnd check out these YouTube videos on co-authoring for more information.

Contact us for help with co-authoring in iManage Work.

About the author

Inside iManage

Inside iManage blogs are reflective of a combination of authors among our various teams.