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I’m happy to report that the ConnectLive 2022 agenda is now LIVE and we’ll be waiting with open arms to welcome you very soon in Chicago and London. More than a thousand customers and partners across the two cities will be sharing your experience.

Our teams are ready to deliver actionable insights, inspiration, and tangible outcomes across the spectrum of topics that interest and help our customers move forward in their journey towards making knowledge work.

ConnectLive 2022 - Making Knowledge Worldwide

There is something for everyone in our 9 keynotes, including:

Make every session matter with more than 70 to choose from, distributed amongst 7 content tracks, including:

  • Social Responsibility
  • Modernization Journey
  • Platform (iManage Cloud) & Productivity (Work 10)
  • Business Outcomes & Change Management
  • Corporate Legal & the Enterprise
  • Knowledge & Innovation
  • Security & Governance

And as we take things offline and gather for the annual iManage customer event, you can count on more energizing interactions. It will be the best party ever!

About the author

Neil Araujo

As co-founder of iManage and VP/General Manager of the ECM business at HP, Neil was responsible for thought leadership and product strategies before becoming CEO.