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Security Policy Manager

Protect your business

iManage Security Policy Manager enables organizations to protect their sensitive information by deploying information barriers at scale across client, department, or project levels. Segmenting knowledge work based on confidentiality requirements and enforcing need-to-know access for select staff, such as lateral hires, reduces the risk of data exposure. With Security Policy Manager, you can meet growing client requirements and regulatory obligations without impacting user productivity or business continuity.

Security, at scale

Maintain data confidentiality by enforcing information barriers and need-to-know security at scale across multiple repositories.

True clarity

Enforce governance with a clear view of active security policies and who has access to which content.


Reduce the impact of a data breach by segmenting your most sensitive content.


Respond quickly to client audit requests and ensure strict adherence to client obligations.


Ease the burden on IT by delegating responsibility for approving access to specific content to authorized persons.

Remote access

Manage the protection of your information, including user access approvals, from any device, anywhere.

Advanced access controls

With Security Policy Manager access controls, you can manage user access — and delegate access approval responsibility — at the client, function, or project level, and across any organizational structure or global location.

Self-maintaining rules

Driven by automated workflows, Security Policy Manager lets you configure self-maintaining policies that grant and revoke access automatically. This reduces both the burden and the risks of manual intervention.

Single-policy management

Maintain a consistent security posture with Security Policy Manager by protecting content stored across multiple repositories that include iManage Work and third-party systems, through the application of a single policy.

Need-to-know security is just the modern approach, and iManage Security Policy Manager helps us ensure our sensitive data is properly locked down.

Jason Winton

Partner, Thirsk Winton

Security Policy Manager has received a lot of support across the firm. It's simple to configure and use and gives us clear visibility. There's a huge comfort level knowing it's all in the cloud.

Betsy Horn

Director of IT at Harris, Finely & Bogle

iManage Security Policy Manager has made it easier to set up policies around compliance requirements, helping us create ethical walls and allowing for need-to-know security access.

Robert Vosters

Manager of Records and Information Compliance, Vedder Price

With iManage Security Policy Manager we can apply permissions per matter. If someone doesn’t need to work on it, they don’t know it exists. It’s a really powerful tool.

Jason Thomas

CIO, Cole, Scott & Kissane

We use iManage Security Policy Manager with billing and timekeeper integration so we can set up self-maintaining policies [wherein] the ethical walls we set up continue adding relevant timekeeps to the matters.

Robert Vosters

Manager of Records and Information Compliance, Vedder Price

Extensive auditing

Respond quickly to the most rigorous client or regulatory audits using the comprehensive auditing capabilities on Security Policy Manager dashboards. Customize and enforce security settings that follow Outside Counsel Guidelines (OCG) and other client mandates. 

Work integration

Security Policy Manager has a unique integration with iManage Work that ensures you can establish, adjust, and remove security policies without access control cascades, document re-files, or content re-indexing — and with no performance impact to end users in iManage Work. 

Platform integration

Seamless integration with the iManage platform means Security Policy Manager can flag access details in iManage Work, Conflicts Manager, and Records Manager. Software agents enable it to integrate with third-party applications like common network file shares, Microsoft SharePoint and Teams, and time and billing systems.

Video case studies

Cole, Scott & Kissane puts employees at the heart of innovation

Click, migrate, start working

Using Security Policy Manager

Security Policy Manager in practice area or department

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Watch video (3:50)

Securing a Client with Security Policy Manager

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Watch video (4:23)

Securing a Highly Sensitive Matter

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Watch video (4:18)

Handling a New Lateral

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Watch video (2:50)


Can’t find the answer to your question? Book a call with our team for a personalized demo or consultation.

Yes. Security Policy Manager integrates seamlessly with iManage Work 10 in the Cloud.

Security Policy Manager may already be included in your Work Cloud subscription. Please consult with your iManage Account Executive.

Yes. Security policies can be managed and reviewed on mobile devices.

Yes. By combining both products with the native security provided by iManage Work, organizations can benefit from comprehensive security to close the loop on insider and external threats.

Not necessarily. Security Policy Manager can be used by central IT teams as well as small legal departments or organizations with no IT staff. 

The intuitive interface in Security Policy Manager enables non-technical staff to create and configure rules once it is implemented.

Making Knowledge Work

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