Why law firms make the switch to iManage
Looking for a change?
Hundreds of firms have moved from legacy on-premises document management to the iManage Cloud platform.
Watch this webinar to learn first-hand how two midsize law firms approached the decision process to upgrade their document and email management system, their reasons for selecting iManage, and the steps in their cloud conversion process. This discussion includes a brief demonstration of iManage Work 10 in the Cloud, highlighting advanced capabilities including:
- Industry-leading document and email management
- Seamless integration with Microsoft products like 365, Teams,
- Power Automate, Co-Authoring, and more
- Powerful security and governance capabilities
- Dan Rimland, Senior Director, iManage
- Patrick Bozik, CIO, Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, P.A.
- Douglas E. Gellar, Founder + President, GDSI
- Chris Foreman, Attorney, Watson Spence
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Let us show you how iManage can unlock value from your business content and communications, integrate to your standard desktop tools, enable remote work, and protect your business.