Outback Imaging USA LLC
EzeScan has been providing advanced batch scanning solutions for iManage clients since 2002. With its native integration, EzeScan enables documents to be captured and registered seamlessly into iManage, all without the need for any additional scripting or customized coding. EzeScan is fully compatible with the latest version of iManage Work 10.xx, taking full advantage of the new Rest API interface, allowing users to capture documents with on premise environments and now into also iManage cloud environments with users having may EzeScan tools/modules at their disposal. Centralized and decentralized deployments options ensure that all your staff have access to the tools they need to effortless register documents into iManage. EzeScan ensures you comply with digitization standards, automatically apply naming conventions, file documents correctly and initiate intelligent legal workflows. EzeScan Workstation, Server or even mobility Apps (EWA) allows organizations to use variable tools to get the desired workflows up and going in the minimal amount of time. Save valuable resources and limit unnecessary data entry and manual processing by leveraging your existing client and case information already in your line of business applications. By simply capturing one piece of information, EzeScan can perform validation lookups from within iManage or other line of business systems to return the rest of the relevant information required to register new records within iManage. EzeScan allows organizations to standardize capture processes for all your business units and take the guess work out of digitization standards, compliance and governance requirements. EzeScan provides flexible licensing options, scalable modular design and the ability to work with any desktop scanner, MFP or network capture device. Electronic documents can also be processed from file, folder or email. EzeScan’s highly configurable iManage interface with features and functionality beyond systems many times the price has become the product of choice for Records and Information Technology Professionals responsible for digitization and data capture solutions.
Use EzeScan’s Barcode Coversheet Generator (BCG) plugin to generate barcodes within iManage
Generate an EzeScan cover sheet for a matter by simply right clicking a destination within the iManage Outlook plugin. Batch scan documents using the cover page as a separator page which allows the document to be split and saved directly into any iManage location. Additional metadata such as the document name and class can be applied when creating the cover page, as well as inheriting metadata from the iManage parent folder.
EzeScan’s Barcode Generator has the ability to both read and write barcodes, making the workflow process for users much easier and allot more automated when uploading documents into iManage
Unique differentiators/features
- Configure unique lookup databases or utilize existing databases that users can select the desired information.
- Specify a matter number, identify a client, select the type of document to print the barcode coversheet
- Additional iManage custom fields can be configured for users to type additional information such as file name or comments or select a value from a pull-down menu.
Licensing model:
Con-current Licensing , Annual Subscription/Cloud Options also available
Target Market:
Legal, Accountancy, Corporate, Government, Finance
iManage Solution:
iManage Filesite, Desksite, Version 10.xx, Version 10.x (Both on-prem or cloud versions) (UAPP version 2.0+)
EzeScan’s advanced capture solution is now available for MFP’s using PaperCut MF and EzeScan Remote Indexing Application (RIA). With the minimum of keystrokes users can now effortlessly scan and register documents directly into iManage and automatically initiate intelligent business processes.
Staying competitive, profitable and successful, for many businesses means being able to action information in a timely manner. Digital transformation initiatives have seen many paper-based processes disappear, however the ones that remain have become a priority for businesses looking for greater operational efficiencies.
Converting paper to digital has been possible for over 20 years however the paper shuffling continues and many organizations still scan their documents to be actioned.
Many businesses are searching for technology solutions that;
• capture documents as they enter the business for faster action
• provide an agile working environment with no geographical barriers
• are easy to deploy and use
• can manage document access and workflows
• can drive document handling costs lower
• can improve user productivity and allow the business to grow
EzeScan’s Enterprise Capture solution for MFP’s directly addresses these requirements to allow users to capture, register and initiate a business process accurately and effortlessly, anytime and anywhere!
With the minimum of keystrokes a user can simply select the kind of document they wish to capture and EzeScan uniquely aligns the business process with the way the document is captured and how it moves through your business. More importantly your documents will be named correctly, distributed, workflowed, filed and seamlessly uploaded into your corporate business systems.
When using EzeScan Enterprise Capture solution with your MFP, yourorganization just got a whole lot smarter!
EzeScan WebApps are powerful business process automation applications designed to deliver hardcopy document and electronic file capture, conversion, processing and routing directly to the desired network location or supported line of business applications.
EzeScan’s intelligent capture solution for MFP’s provides a direct integration via the PaperCut MF solution on the MFP for a user to initiate the capture of business documents. Based on the user selection the relevant digitization standards are automatically applied and the documents submitted to the EzeScan WebApp Server (EWA) for processing. Users or assigned business units are automatically notified via email of documents with a web link to the EzeScan Remote Indexing Assistant (RIA)WebApp. With no client software required, browser access ensures PC, Mac or mobile smart device compatibility.
The EzeScan Remote Indexing Assistant (RIA) WebApp can be configured to allow a user to QA, validate and profile captured documents. With the use of configured drop-down menus and database lookups, documents are automatically named based on business standards and correctly filled or routed into iManage.
Unique differentiators/features
EzeScan Intelligent Capture Solution for MFP’s provides:
- Fast batch capture of documents
- Automated document splitting, image enhancement, auto rotate, delete blank pages, with optional data extraction
- Automated naming and filing of documents based on your business rules
- Individual user or shared process queues with secure login
- Automated document conversion and text searchable PDF (or PDF/A) compliant documents
- Web browser user interface for QA checking and validation, registration, workflow, on any device, anytime, anywhere
- Direct link into iManage, and ERP corporate systems
- Compliance with governance, regulatory and digitization standards
- Reduced bottlenecks to increase your businesses capacity
- Technology to boost staff productivity and morale.
Licensing model:
Con-current Licensing , Annual Subscription also available
Target Market:
Legal, Accountancy, Corporate, Government, Finance
iManage Solution:
iManage Filesite, Desksite, Version 10.xx, Version 10.x (Both on-prem or cloud versions)
The EzeScan File Upload Assistant (FUA) WebApp provides an easy way for users to select and upload electronic files from a computer or a mobile device directly into iManage.
Select files from a windows folder, or simply drag & drop your files onto the EzeScan webpage for easy processing and upload.
Unique differentiators/features
Configure the required index fields with drop down lists, database lookups, date pickers and tick boxes that are designed to get documents captured, profiled and named. Allowing users to easily index the documents remotely. Custom fields can be configured to allow extra data to be captured.
The EzeScan File Upload Assistant (FUA) application ensures files are filed in the correct location, with the correct metadata and with the correct naming conventions, into iManage every time! The workflow empowers anyone in your organisation to select and upload electronic files from a computer or mobile device to the desired location.
File Upload Assistant can also be used as a staging area by external parties to upload files to your organisation. Uploaded documents can be screened by the internal users, to be validated/authorised before uploading into iManage. This saves valuable time on internal resources and creating separation between externally borne documents.
Licensing model:
Con-current Licensing , Annual Subscription/Cloud Options also available
Target Market:
Legal, Accountancy, Corporate, Government, Finance
iManage Solution:
iManage Filesite, Desksite, Version 10.xx, Version 10.x (Both on-prem or cloud versions) (UAPP version 3.6+)
Product URL:
https://www.ezescan.com.au/products/ezescan-webappsEzeScan’s new Android App is now available for Ricoh MFP’s using Smart Panel (Version 2.0 or higher) and EzeScan Remote Indexing WebApp. With the minimum of keystrokes Ricoh customers can now effortlessly scan and register documents directly into their corporate systems including iManage and automatically initiate intelligent business processes.
Staying competitive, profitable and successful, for many businesses means being able to action information in a timely manner. Digital transformation initiatives have seen many paper-based processes disappear, however the ones that remain have become a priority for businesses looking for greater operational efficiencies.
Converting paper to digital has been possible for over 20 years however the paper shuffling continues and many organisations still scan their documents after they have been actioned.
Many businesses are searching for technology solutions that;
•capture documents as they enter the business for faster action
•provide an agile working environment with no geographical barriers
•are easy to deploy and use
•can manage document access and workflows
•can drive document handling costs lower
•can improve user productivity and allow the business to grow.
EzeScan intelligent capture solution for Ricoh MFD’s directly addresses these requirements to allow your staff to capture, register and initiate a business process accurately and effortlessly, anytime and anywhere!
With the minimum of keystrokes a user can simply select the kind of document they wish to capture and EzeScan uniquely aligns the business process with the way the document is captured and how it moves through your business. More importantly your documents will be named correctly, distributed, workflowed, filed and seamlessly uploaded into your corporate business systems.
With EzeScan and your Ricoh MFD, your organisation just got a whole lot smarter!
EzeScan WebApps are powerful business process automation applications designed to deliver hardcopy document and electronic file capture, conversion, processing and routing directly to iManage, the desired network location or supported line of business applications.EzeScan’s intelligent capture solution for Ricoh MFD’s provides an Android App on the Ricoh MFD for a user to initiate the capture of business documents. Based on the user selection the relevant digitization standards are automatically applied and the documents submitted to the EzeScan WebApp Server (EWA) for processing. Users or assigned business units are automatically notified via email of documents with a URL link to the EzeScan Remote Indexing Assistant (RIA) WebApp. With no client software required, browser access ensures PC, Mac or mobile smart device compatibility.The EzeScan Remote Indexing Assistant (RIA) WebApp can be configured to allow a user to QA, validate and profile captured documents. With the use of configured drop-down menus and database lookups, documents are automatically named based on business standards and correctly filled or routed.
Unique differentiators/features
EzeScan Intelligent Capture Solution for Ricoh MFD’s provides:
- Fast batch capture of documents
- Automated document splitting, image enhancement, auto rotate, delete blank pages, with optional data extraction
- Automated naming and filing of documents based on your business rules
- Individual user or shared process queues with secure login
- Automated document conversion and text searchable PDF (or PDF/A) compliant documents
- Web browser user interface for QA checking and validation, registration, workflow, on any device, anytime, anywhere
- Direct link into iManage, and other AP/ERP corporate systems
- Compliance with governance, regulatory and digitization standards
- Reduced bottlenecks to increase your businesses capacity
- Technology to boost staff productivity and morale.
Licensing model:
Con-current Licensing , Annual Subscription/Cloud Options also available
Target Market:
Legal, Accountancy, Corporate, Government, Finance
iManage Solution:
iManage Filesite, Desksite, Version 10.xx, Version 10.x (Both on-prem or cloud versions) (UAPP supported version 4.3.179+)
EzeScan PRO workstation is a professional production batch scanning and document image import tool capable of delivering high productivity gains for iManage users. Scan your documents using EzeScan’s advanced batch scanning capabilities, import from a folder or direct from an email account. This cost-effective document scanning solution (no “per-page” scanning restrictions apply) is easy to use and comes standard with image enhancement features, image annotation and redaction/FOI capabilities. Numerous output image formats can be selected including TIF and text searchable PDF, PDF/A.
EzeScan PRO workstation supports a large range of scanner hardware including multifunction devices and Desktop Scanners. Optional data capture, automation, and Full integration into iManage are available to further extend the functionality and productivity of your scanning workflow. Both iManage on premise and cloud version are supported.
Unique differentiators/features
EzeScan native iManage Work integration provides many advanced features including:
• Browsing to Worksite folders to store documents
• Auto filing using barcodes directly into Worksite
• Email notification to end users with document NRL link
• Auto filing to folders by searching the Workspace description or by custom property
• Auto select subfolder based on folder name
• Apply or inherit permissions.
EzeScan PRO Functionality & Features
Advanced iManage integration features
• Search and browse custom lookup lists directly from iManage
• Return data back from an object using a structured query i.e. WorkSpace search based on custom data
• Apply all field data (Client ID, Matter ID, Class, Sub Class, Custom 1 to 30, Author, Operator)
• Allows for browsing to folders to store documents
• Auto filing using barcodes
• Auto filing to folders by searching the workspace description or by custom property
• Auto select subfolder based on folder name
• Apply or inherit permissions.
• Generate & scan barcode coversheets directly within Filesite/Desksite and iManage web clients
• Upload a new version or replace a version of an existing document to iManage
• Scan as many pages as you like, there are no volume based restrictions
Scanning/Import Features
• Scanning uses the industry standard TWAIN, WIA or optional ISIS scanner interface
• Supports low, medium and high volume scanner
• Supports Flatbed, ADF, Large format (AO, E-Size) scanners
• Supports Simplex, Duplex, Manual Duplex scanning
• Supports scan-enabled digital photocopiers via TWAIN, FTP, email or folder import
• Easily append, insert, replace, delete or move scanned pages
• Undo last X scanned pages
• Scanner settings can be saved as job types for easy re-use
• Import TIF, PDF, JPG, GIF, BMP from File, Folder (multiple levels deep), Email (POP3/IMAP) or FTP
• Unlimited number of job workflows
• Workflows can be set up on one machine, exported, then imported by other EzeScan stations easily
• Scan & email directly from within EzeScan
• Optional Barcode Recognition (BCR) module available
Image Enhancement Features
• Auto Binarise
• Delete Blank Pages
• Deskew – one or all pages
• Despeckle 1x1, 3x3
• Crop/Erase Border
• Rotate –90, +90, 180, Using OCR or BCR
• Scale to Grey
• Split images horizontally or vertically
• Undo last enhancement/change
Annotation Features
• Create TIF Annotations, Wang Image Compatible
• TIF Annotation Tools include Highlight, Freehand Pen, Line, Rectangle, Text, Stamp, Sticky Note
• TIF Annotations Tools can be used for redaction to blackout or whiteout areas of the image
• TIF Annotation Permanent Branding option
• TIF Annotation layers are date & time stamped. Annotations can be viewed in date/time sequence
• Print with/without TIF annotations
• Shrink Image to < 100> • Expand Page size to > 100%, adding page border
• Force page size to ISO paper size
• Add Advanced Audit Stamp to First Page/Every Page
• Add Advanced Audit Stamp A-Z grid to LHS or RHS of the nominated page
• Add Advanced Audit Customised Text to the top or bottom of the nominated page
• Left, Center or Right Justify the customised Audit Stamp text
• Add Watermark (PDF Only)
QA Features
• Option to force QA before images can be profiled
• Option to add an audit stamp to the first page of each scanned document.
Output Features
• Output as Group 4 TIF
• Other image output formats include BMP, GIF, JPG, JP2 and PNG
• Output as Image only PDF
• Output as Text Searchable PDF
• Output to PDF/A
• Text only output formats includes RTF and TXT
• MS Office output formats include DOC, DOCX, XLS and XLSX
• Output to directory
• Output to email
• Output to FTP
• Documents can include either B&W, Colour or both B&W and Colour pages
• Colour TIF & PDF uses JPG compression within the TIF to significantly reduce image size
• PDF conversion available with B&W and Colour images
Ease of Use
• Function key driven (F2- F12)
• Combined Thumbnail/Page Viewer
• Navigate through pages using either the Page Up & Page Down keys, Up & Down arrows, Go to page X, or the Home & End keys
• Navigate within the image using zoom in or zoom out magnifying glasses, fit to width, fit to window, or zoom to % size (also via shortcut keys)
• Undo and Undo All to remove last alteration
• Shortcut keys listing available from the help menu for easy user training
Batch Scanning
• With or without separator pages
• Uses either simple separator pages, fixed document page count with manual override, or optional (Barcode) BCR module detection to identify document start/finish within batch
• Supports Auto Naming/profiling
• Utilises all Image Enhancement features
Desktop Scanning
• Document scanning 1 document at a time, no separators used
• Supports Auto Naming
• Supports Auto Profiling
• Utilises all Image Enhancement features (See above)
Licensing model:
Con-current Licensing , Annual Subscription/Cloud Options also available
Target Market:
Legal, Accountancy, Corporate, Government, Finance
iManage Solution:
iManage Filesite, Desksite, Version 10.xx, Version 10.x (on-prem or cloud versions) (UAPP version 5.0+)
Product URL:
https://www.ezescan.com.au/products/ezescan-proEzeScan WebApps are powerful business process automation applications designed to be used in conjunction with EzeScan SERVER to deliver hardcopy document and electronic file capture, conversion, processing and uploading directly into iManage environments, either on premise or in the cloud.
EzeScan WebApps include the EzeScan WebApps Server (EWA) a HTML5 web application deployed onto a Microsoft IIS Server. Records and Information Mangers can configure each WebApp to deliver the required business digitization workflow to their whole organization. Users can access the EzeScan WebApps from their favourite web browser enabling them to be run from PC’s, Apple Mac’s and mobile devices like tablets and smart phones.
Multiple workflows can we easily setup and saved so particular users can use their own workflows or belong to a group who have group workflows. Workflows can be easily copied and used as a starting point to re-configure workflows into iManage as required. Mailroom processes, Archiving, Invoice processing, Contract workflows can be easily stored for use by multiple users.
WebApps Advantages
• Out of the box functionality, no custom programming or scripting required
• Installed and operational in hours/days, not weeks or months
• Delivered via web browser, so zero footprint install required on your PC, tablet or phone
• Simple web based interface, easy to use with minimal training required
• Cost-effective solutions, capable of delivering impressive productivity gains
• Saves time, simple installation and configuration gets you up and running fast
• Excellent service and support.
The EzeScan Remote Indexing Assistant (RIA) WebApp can be deployed in two scenarios;
1. As a decentralized capture solution for workgroup MFD users.
The EzeScan RIA Web Application can provide an enterprise digitization platform that aligns business processes with compliance and governance requirements. Users simply scan their documents to email or network drive. EzeScan’s WebApps Server intercepts and sends an automated email notification to the user. Users simply click the URL link to view the documents in their web browser, check the quality of the image, add/validate/modify any metadata and then submit each document to the next stage of processing. The processed files and metadata are automatically uploaded into iManage. Text Searchable PDF conversion is also provided free of charge.
2. As a remote indexing tool.
The EzeScan RIA Web Application can provide a web form based profiling interface for all users in an organization. Documents scanned in production workflows using EzeScan desktop applications can now be sent to users outside traditional records environments to profile, add or check metadata. When documents are sent to the EzeScan WebApps Server it sends automated email notifications to the workflow users. Users simply follow the URL link to view the documents in their web browser, add/modify any metadata and then submit each document to the next stage of processing. The processed files with updated metadata can then be sent back to a production EzeScan workstation or picked up by EzeScan SERVER and automatically uploaded to iManage.
Records and Information Managers can configure the required metadata screen with drop down menus, data base lookups, designed to get documents captured, profiled, named and filed correctly into iManage every time!
Pre Deployment Testing
EzeScan allows for pre-purchase testing within your own iManage environment that allows you to design, test and discover – all before going live within your enterprise.
Unique differentiators/features
EzeScan’s native iManage integration provides many advanced features including:
• Browsing to Worksite folders to store documents
• Auto filing using barcodes directly into Worksite
• Email notification to end users with document NRL link
• Auto filing to folders by searching the Workspace description or by custom property
• Auto select subfolder based on folder name
• Apply or inherit permissions.
• No volume based charges, Scan as much as you want
• Centralized or Decentralized deployment options
• Production batch scanning and capture • Highly scalable
• Import from file, folder or email
• Automated image enhancement
• Enterprise OCR digitization and conversion technology
• Email capture/polling, including attachments
• Advanced quality assurance features
• Multiple output/upload options
• Can be easily deployed and managed from a central server for larger multi-location enterprises
Licensing model:
Con-current Licensing , Annual Subscription/Cloud Options also available
Target Market:
Corporate, Finance, Government, Legal, Accountancy
iManage Solution:
iManage Filesite, Desksite, Version 10.xx, Version 10.x (Both on-prem or cloud versions) (UAPP version 3.6+)
Product URL:
https://www.ezescan.com.au/products/ezescan-webappsEzeScan SERVER provides highly automated document digitisation functionality for both your workgroup and workflow document processing requirements including: Image Enhancement, File Conversion, OCR / Text Searchable PDF/A, Data Capture, Document Routing.
As an enterprise digitization platform EzeScan SERVER can align your business processes and satisfy your standards, governance and compliance requirements. With one product you can unify the capabilities of all your capture devices with your business needs whilst at the same time making it effortless for your staff to capture and process documents.
Artificial Intelligence - EzeScan’s server product allows users to configure powerful bots to perform automated tasks that run 24/7 in the background with no human interaction.
Email Extraction & Polling directly into iManage for both On-Prem or cloud environments.
EzeScan SERVER watches for incoming documents from multiple sources, e.g. network folders, email mailboxes, FTP Servers or EzeScan WebApps. When a document arrives, EzeScan SERVER can detect barcodes or import metadata information and process and route the document accordingly. EzeScan SERVER can upload the document and metadata directly into iManage or simply store documents in a network folder or forward them via email.
Multi-function devices or dedicated scanners can be used to provide documents to EzeScan SERVER for processing. Depending on the device functionality, the operator can add metadata at the time of scanning or utilise the optional EzeScan Remote Indexing Assistant (RIA) WebApp. EzeScan SERVER can use this metadata to populate fields in the iManage folder system or server location.
Documents can be processed individually or in batches, giving your organization a cost effective and flexible decentralized capture solution. In centralized production workflows, EzeScan SERVER can be utilised for background OCR processing, PDF/A conversion and upload. Production operators can also route to other users via the optional EzeScan workstations or Remote Indexing Assistant (RIA) WebApp for staff to contribute to the indexing workflow.
Unique differentiators/features
EzeScan’s native iManage integration supports many advanced features including:
• Auto filing using barcodes directly into Worksite
• Email notification to end users with document NRL link
• Auto filing to folders by searching the Workspace description or by custom property
• Auto select subfolder based on folder name
• Apply or inherit permissions within iManage.
Batch Detection Features
• Separator Pages (i.e. white or black)
• Fixed Page Count
• Barcode
• Intelligent Document Recognition
• Email import
• File import Separation
Enhancement Features
• Crop Border
• Deskew
• Despeckle 1x1
• Despeckle 3x3
• Delete Blank Pages
• Remove Extra Separators
• Rotate Using BCR or OCR
• Discard First Page
Output features
• Output as Group 4 TIF
• Output as Image Only PDF
• Output as Text Searchable PDF
• Output to PDF/A-1a (Image + Text Searchable)
• Output to PDF/A-1b (Image Only)
• Output to directory
• Output to Email Address
• Output to FTP Server
• Output to Fax Number (requires Winfax Pro)
• Output to Printer
• Output to INDEX module
Output via out upload module with direct integration into all versions of iManage.
• Microsoft Windows Server operating systems that support Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.1 and above
• ability to support both 32 or 64 bit architecture
• Simple installation process (MSI)
• Minimal training required to operate
• Documentation provided in PDF
Licensing model:
Named Licensing, Annual Subscription/Cloud Options also available
Target Market:
Legal, Accountancy, Corporate, Government, Finance
iManage Solution:
iManage Filesite, Desksite, Version 10.xx, Version 10.x (Both on-prem or cloud versions) (UAPP version 5.0+)
Product URL:
https://www.ezescan.com.au/products/ezescan-serverMaking Knowledge Work
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