GDSI provides law firms, legal software companies, and professional services firms custom software solutions. Our developers understand the user experience and provide detailed solutions, eliminating the complexity of development. Experts with over twenty-five years of experience, we design software efficiently and effectively so our clients can focus on the business of law.
Rename and save emails in bulk to iManage 10 directly from your Outlook inbox.
Licensing model:
Per user, annual maintenance
Target Market:
iManage Work 10.x Desktop Clients
iManage Solution:
iManage Work Desktop 10.4. or newer
Product URL:
https://www.gdsi.com/dmdrop-for-imanage/DMSync for iManage makes your document, folder, and Workspace metadata readily available to create SQL reports, use custom applications, and analyze content. GDSI automatically synchronizes your data on a regular basis to keep it current and easily accessible.
The new DMSync archive feature allows firms to reduce cloud overages, comply with regulations, and restore documents as needed.
Unique differentiators/features
- Automatically syncs all document metadata, including custom fields from the iManage cloud to your SQL server
- Archive and restore documents as needed
- Supports an unlimited number of cloud-based databases
- Tracks document creation, all edits, and archive information
- Document export for disaster recovery
- Schedule syncs based on your schedule
Licensing model:
Per database licensing, annual maintenance
Target Market:
iManage Cloud clients
iManage Solution:
iManage 10 Cloud
Product URL:
https://www.gdsi.com/dm-sync-for-imanage/Export documents in bulk from any folder or search result to a local drive for immediate use.
Unique differentiators/features
- Convert documents to PDF and merge together
- Export a CSV file with document metadata
- Review detailed logs of exports
Licensing model:
Tiered User Licensing, Annual Maintenance
Target Market:
iManage Cloud and On-Premises
iManage Solution:
iManage Work Web 10.4.x or Newer, Universal App support with v1.0 (UAPP version 1.1.37+)
Product URL:
https://www.gdsi.com/document-exporter-for-imanage/File documents to any folder based on a folder path requirement.Â
Unique differentiators/features
- File documents directly to the folder of your choiceÂ
- File in bulk using a SQL-based database tableÂ
- No interface, simply enter in the Client, Matter, and Folder path, the app will take care of the restÂ
- SQL Server 2016, 2017, 2019
- Windows 10, 11, or Server 2016, 2019, 2022Â
Licensing model:
Set-up fee, annual maintenance (to support each new version of iManage)
iManage Solution:
Cloud iManage, Classic Cloud, and On-Premises v10.4 or newer
Do you have a need to integrate products or build on iManage? GDSI builds custom solutions and integrations for iManage.
Solutions may include Case Management, Practice Management, Workflows, Pleadings Systems, Intake, and custom options.
Licensing model:
No need for licensing as you will own all software.
Target Market:
Any firm running iManage on-premises or in the cloud.
iManage Solution:
We support all versions of iManage, including the Cloud with 10.x., v1 supports Universal App
Move content from one Workspace to another within the same iManage library.
Unique differentiators/features
- Select the folders to map to if the names of the folders differ between the Workspaces
- Option to delete the source WorkspaceÂ
- See how many documents will be migrated and which documents are checked out at the time of migration
iManage Solution:
Web based application, installed on-premises. Requires IIS and a SQL Database.
An easy way for law firms to access iManage from Litify. Specific to the requirements of law firms, this integration focuses on the most common needs of users while working in Litify.
Helpdesk Suite for iManage solves operations and security management challenges.
Unique differentiators/features
- Refile: Integrated into the Work 10 Web Client, choose to push security and profile metadata down from a folder to subfolders and documents.
- Check-In:Â This web application allows users with non-elevated rights to check in documents that are checked out by other users.
- Change Owner:Â Integrated with Work 10 Web Client, change folder ownership from any account to another account.
- Security Updater:Â This windows application updates the ACL security for folders and documents.
- Workspace Updater:Â This windows application, updates Workspace profile metadata in bulk.
- Document Updater: This windows application, updates Document profile metadata in bulk.
iManage Solution:
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/helpdesk-suite/The next generation Content Importer for iManage makes it easy to import documents to iManage from any Windows location.
Unique differentiators/features
- Import an unlimited number of folders and documents from a local Windows location to iManage
- Ability to import CSV files with profile metadata from previous DMS solutions
- Support for importing folders to a root Workspace, a folder off the root of the Workspace, a tab, or a sub folder
- Move multiple folders to multiple Workspaces
- Support for version imports and deltas
- Create folder trees in Workspaces upon import
iManage Solution:
iManage on-premises 10.4.6 or newer, iManage.work, CloudiManage
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/importer-for-imanage/The simplest importer for iManage to support the lift from on-premises iManage and upload the entire repository to the cloud.
Unique differentiators/features
- Migrates Workspaces, Folders, Documents, My Matters, My Favorites, Declare as Record documents, Custom Fields, History, and Security
- Set the initial Doc Number for going forward after migration or testing during migration
- Uses the latest iManage Sync APIs for incredible performance
- Rollback feature so we can rollback a Workspace, Folder, or Document import
- Support for multiple iManage libraries
Licensing model:
Flat fee
Target Market:
iManage Cloud and On-Premises
iManage Solution:
Supported on-premises versions are: 8.x, 9.x, and 10.x
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/lift-and-shift-for-imanage/Easily export all folders, documents, and Workspace content to your local drive.
Unique differentiators/features
- Export a CSV file with all metadata
- Review detailed logs of exports
- Choose to convert all files to PDFs
Licensing model:
Tiered User Licensing, annual maintenance
Target Market:
iManage Cloud and On-Premises
iManage Solution:
iManage Work Web 10.4.x or Newer, Universal App support with v1.0 (UAPP version 1.1.42+)
Product URL:
https://www.gdsi.com/workspace-exporter-for-imanage/Automate the process of creating Workspaces to better coincide with your Matters or projects based on a template within your iManage database.
Unique differentiators/features
- Create an unlimited number of cloud-based Workspaces
- Sync data directly from your accounting system or client/matter source
- Import custom lookup fields
- Identify changed Client and Matter names
- Utilize native iManage templates
Licensing model:
Set-up fee, up-front license cost, annual maintenance
Target Market:
iManage Cloud and On-Premises
iManage Solution:
iManage Work 10
Product URL:
https://www.gdsi.com/wstoolkit-for-imanage/Archive and restore documents without the need for complex tools or IT support. Archive for iManage reduces cloud charge overages, supports compliance, and restores documents as needed.
Unique differentiators/features
- Archive and restore documents as needed
- Track archive content
- Schedule archives automatically utilizing synchronizations from other systems
- Delete Archives as well as iManage content as needed, automatically
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/dmsync-for-imanage/Push security and profile metadata from a Workspace down to Folders and Documents on behalf of an NRTADMIN account.
Unique differentiators/features
- Integrated with Microsoft Word and Excel
- Activates when a document is opened or on demand with a click of a button
- Invalid UNC paths can be removed
- Support for library and document number mapping
- Easy to deploy
iManage Solution:
iManage Work 10.4.7 or newer, iManage.Work, CloudiManage
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/refiler-for-imanage/GDSI's User Suite provides the tools required for users to handle everyday tasks without the help of IT.
Unique differentiators/features
Folder Rename enables users with no administrative rights to rename folders, regardless of ownership.
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/user-suite/Exporter Porter is a standalone web application, which acts on behalf of the NRTAdmin account so the user ho operates the application, does not need to be an NRTADMIN account.
Unique differentiators/features
- export WEorkspaces, Folders, Documents, either together or separately
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
iManage Solution:
iManage Work 10.4.6 or newer iManage.Work, CloudiManage
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/exporters-for-imanage/Unique differentiators/features
- Remove all documents from a given Workspace
- Remove documents from a given parent folder
- Remove documents in bulk
- Schedule routine deletions based on business logic
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
iManage Solution:
iManage Work 10.4 or newer Web, iManage.Work, CloudiManage
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/content-deleter-suite/Unique differentiators/features
- Remove all folders from a given Workspace
- Remove all subfolders from a given parent folder
- Schedule routine deletions based on business logic
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
iManage Solution:
iManage Work 10.4 or newer Web, iManage.Work, CloudiManage
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/content-deleter-suite/GDSI has made the process of bulk exporting content quick, easy, and affordable with its next generation Exporter tool.
Unique differentiators/features
- Export folders in bulk from iManage to local storage
- Folders can be exported by an criteria, then multi-selected for export
- Filter based on profile critera including folders
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
iManage Solution:
iManage Work 10.4.6 or newer iManage.Work, CloudiManage
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/exporters-for-imanage/GDSI has made the process of bulk exporting content quick, easy, and affordable with its next generation Exporter tool.
Unique differentiators/features
- Export Workspaces, Folders, and Documents in bulk from iManage to local storage
- Workspaces, Folders, and Documents can be exported by any criteria, then multi-selected for export
- PST and Mailbox export support to local storage
- Option to include a final CSV with all profile metadata of each exported document, including specific emails
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
iManage Solution:
iManage Work 10.4.6 or newer iManage.Work, CloudiManage
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/exporters-for-imanage/Part of GDSI's User Suite for iManage, the most comprehensive set of tools to solve the most common user tasks.
Unique differentiators/features
Users can add folders, named as they wish, to any level in a Workspace tree.
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
iManage Solution:
On premises iManage 10.4.x or newer iManage.Work, CloudiManage.com
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/user-suite/GDSI's Workspace/Folder/Document Profile Updater assists with updating profile data on Workspaces, Folders, and Documents.
Unique differentiators/features
- Change documents class from DOC to AGR
- Change folder owners from ABC to DEF user account
- Simple to use thanks to a SQL Database and a Windows Command Line application
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
GDSI's Workspace/Folder/Document Security Updater assits with updating ACL Security and Default Security in bulk.
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
GDSI's Workspace Template Copy migrates Workspace Templates from one library to another or from one iManage instance to another.
Unique differentiators/features
- Migrate Workspace Templates from one library to another or one iManage instance to another
- All Folders, Tabs, Security, and Profile Metadata will be copied
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
GDSI's Command Line Tools Suite includes: Document Folder Mapper, Workspace/Folder/Document Profile Updater, Workspace/Folder/Document Security Updater, and Workspace Template Copy.
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
Link Cleanup converts old iManage links or other DMS links to a CloudiManage IWL link for Word and Excel documents.
Unique differentiators/features
- Integrated with Microsoft Word and Excel
- Activates when a document is opened or on demand with a click of a button
- Invalid UNC paths can be removed
- Support for library and document number mapping
- Easy to deploy
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
iManage Solution:
iManage Work 10.4.7 or newer, iManage.Work, CloudiManage
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/link-cleanup/Change a folder owner from one person to another.
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
iManage Solution:
On premises iManage 10.4.x or newer iManage.Work, CloudiManage.com
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/user-suite/Trash bin gives helpdesk users the right to move a document to trash for documents they did not create or have rights to.
Unique differentiators/features
All users can now add documents to the trash bin, regardless of author or operator.
Licensing model:
Annual Application
iManage Solution:
On premises iManage 10.4.x or newer iManage.Work, CloudiManage.com
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/user-suite/Document Move helps users move documents from one folder to another, either within the same library or across libraries.
Unique differentiators/features
- Move documents from one folder to another, either within the same library or across libraries
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
Product URL:
https://gdsi.com/Folder Move helps users move folder and documents from one Workspace to another, either within the same library or across libraries.
Unique differentiators/features
- Move folder and documents from one Workspace to another, either within the same library or across libraries.
Licensing model:
Annual Subscription
Product URL:
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