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Pursuing passion: iManage employee Becky Bloom shares her personal story of breaking into tech

Embarking on a journey from law to technology is no small feat, yet Becky Bloom managed to seamlessly transition from a career as a litigation attorney to becoming a Senior Product Manager at iManage. For this interview with Built In, Becky shares insights into her career evolution, discusses her passion for technology, and offers valuable advice for women considering a similar leap into the tech industry.

The following is excerpted from the original article by Built In. Check out the full feature article here.

Tell us a bit about your career journey thus far and what you do at iManage.

After graduating from law school and litigating for a few years I burned out, and it was time to find a more sustainable career. An old pal from law school invited me to join an early-stage startup, and I got a job as an account manager and moseyed through a few more roles and jobs before landing as senior product manager at iManage. I work on collaboration tools, and I’m lucky enough to work with the smartest and most supportive colleagues in the universe.

How did you discover your passion for technology and how did you know you wanted to pursue a career in tech?

My path to tech is something I found later in life. I have absolutely no technical background except for a growth mindset and a real interest in what makes things work. While working as an attorney, the tech we used was often frustrating, and I found myself spending more time on administrative duties than actual factual work. It’s the sneaky little administrative details that can really wear you down, and that absolutely wore me down.

Since landing in legal tech, I’m delighted to represent our users’ voices and solve for those frustrations. It’s less that I’m passionate about technology and more that I’m passionate about how technology can make our lives easier and more enjoyable. I’ve found a nice work-life balance since graduating law school; I hope I can help my users find the same by building tools to support the ways that they work.

What advice would you give to women who are discovering an interest in tech and are considering pursuing a career in the field?

My friends, the rules are all made up and you can do whatever you want! If you have a sneaking suspicion that you want to try something new, it’s worth exploring. Ask people out for coffee, read up on the field, and sit in on webinars. Don’t be afraid to ask for help: People absolutely want to help you and it makes them feel good to be able to share their background and expertise. It is never too late to try something new, and everyone has unique skills that they can bring to tech.

Pursue your passion

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Becky's story serves as a testament to the possibilities that arise when passion meets persistence. If you are interested in a similar break into tech, or a career with iManage, explore our open positions here and apply to learn more!

About the author

Sarah Costello

Making Knowledge Work

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