Word-Tech, Inc. has over 30 years experience as a software integrator for Business Task Management Automation. Word-Tech specializes in document and task management solutions like contracts, compliance, HR, and project management. Our solutions easily integrate world-wide with our clients' IT infrastructures in industries such as Energy, Legal, and Finance.
DocMinder removes bouncing from one product to the next found in typical document markup processes with a counterparty. Typically you may start with a form document in iManage, send it to others, monitor your inbox for a returning marked up version, then search for your original to compare it to, launch compare software, send update to parties, repeat again and again.
All this is labor intensive and open to accidents.
DocMinder provides you with automated project management for this common procedure with integration between iManage, email, Teams, and CompareDocs all from one consolidated screen with Dashboards for fast management oversite.
Seamless CompareDocs integration provides advanced collaboration and markup management.
Counter parties can also easily interact with the project from one screen within their DocMinder email notification.
Unique differentiators/features
- Easily compare different versions and manage changes from one consolidated screen
- Automatic routing and follow up on a project until closure including checklist approvals
- Seamless integration of your systems prevents accidents and moving from one product to the next
- Documents and related info are easily accessible and stored correctly
- Get a quick view of the project’s status without searching for new versions, originals and emails
- Manage all your team’s projects with reports, calendars and dashboards.
Licensing model:
Per user / Site / Subscription
Target Market:
iManage users that need a seamless way to collaborate on work surrounding iManage Documents.
Client references are available by request.
iManage Solution:
(UAPP version
Product URL:
https://wordtech.wistia.com/medias/9kqa2935x3DocMinder CLM is a flexible Contract Lifecycle Management solution designed with an intuitive user interface. It handles the complete end to end process from inbound request management to document creation through an intelligent questionnaire, then auto filing into iManage, then routing for markup and approval, including e-signature and refiling executed agreements correctly back into iManage. All with powerful management dashboards and reporting on upcoming renewals with the ability to identify bottlenecks and quickly interact to move work forward.
Target Market:
iManage users that need a flexible Contract Lifecycle Management solution.
Available upon request
iManage Solution:
(UAPP version
Product URL:
https://secure.wordtech.com/contract.htmlDocMinder® Embedded adds Legal Project Management to iManage. Easy to use tool for non-technical user and over 100 template solutions on common business processes. Available for iManage FileSite version | DeskSite and iManage Work 10 Web Apps.
Unique differentiators/features
- Create Projects – and manage work related to documents within iManage;
- View Details – see your teams progress within a calendar or report associated to a specific Workspace, Client, or view all your assignments;
- Notifications – receive automatic email notifications on assignments to easily track progress and stay on-top of deadlines;
- Process Templates – automate company procedures with process templates that you can customize to match how your team works to ensure consistency and accuracy in handling documents.
Licensing model:
Admin/Manager And User Named Licenses
Target Market:
Corporate Legal, Law Firms, Project Management, WorkFlow Management, Records Disposition Management, Outside Counsel Management
iManage Solution:
WORK (UAPP version
Product URL:
http://www.wordtech.com/videos.htmlDocMinder is a flexible solution designed with an intuitive user interface to create documents through an intelligent questionnaire, then auto-file into iManage, route for markup and approval, and optionally send for e-Signature while correctly re-filing into iManage. All with powerful management dashboards and reporting with the ability to identify bottlenecks and quickly interact to move work forward.
Unique differentiators/features
Example Solutions:
- Engagement Letters, NDAs, Sales Proposals and Agreements
- Power of Attorney
- Litigation Pleadings, Probate Forms, Criminal Law Forms
- Client Onboarding and Offboarding, New Client Take On Questionnaire
- Matter Opening and Administration
- Escrow Agreements, Trust & Estate Documents, Will / Revocable Trust
- Patent Document Drafting
- Employment Agreements, Offer Letters, HR Policy Documents, Severance Agreements
- Employee Onboarding Documents,Tax Forms, Leave/Time Off Application
- Commercial Lending Package, Commercial Lease, Warranty – Quit Claim Deed
- Immigration Forms
- Service Agreements
- Workers Compensation Forms
Licensing model:
Per user / Site / Subscription
Target Market:
iManage users that need a seamless way to collaborate on work surrounding iManage Documents
Available Upon Request
iManage Solution:
(UAPP version
Product URL:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww48QtEmu3MBy simply right clicking on an iManage document a DocMinder user can start a DocuSign or Adobe Sign process and control in advance how returning documents will be filed, how they will be processed and provide management reporting for oversight. This automation on returning executed documents reduces accidents and provides better governance.
Unique differentiators/features
When the author selects the document in iManage to send to the counter party a submittal form appears allowing the user to select where they want the returning document/s filed:
- Signed document filed as a new version of the original.
- Signed document filed as a new document.
- Select folder where returning executed document should be filed.
- Incorporate a workflow procedure to properly handle returning documents.
- Secure two factor Authentication for Signees.
Licensing model:
Per user / Site / Subscription
Target Market:
iManage users that need a seamless way to pass an iManage document into DocuSign and auto file on return.
Client reference is available by request.
iManage Solution:
(UAPP version
Product URL:
https://wordtech.wistia.com/medias/ag123b7535DocMinder’s eNotary governance application is a flexible solution designed with an intuitive user interface. It handles the complete end to end process from verification, to approval, then auto filing into iManage, then optional e-signature, and refiling authorized documents correctly back into iManage. All with powerful management dashboards and reporting on upcoming obligations with the ability to identify bottlenecks and quickly interact to move work forward.
Unique differentiators/features
• Secure and Convenient
• Identity verification, validation to control fraud
• SOC2 compliant, DLA Piper audited
• Ten Year audio/video
• Easy to use platform
Licensing model:
Available upon request
Target Market:
iManage users that need a flexible eNotary / eSign solution
Available upon request
iManage Solution:
Universal App
DocMinder® offers powerful work management features with built-in tracking, reporting and workflow capabilities – all seamlessly integrated into one centralized system and delivered through common email. DocMinder® follows up until the work is completed through automatic email notifications containing progress notes and related documents. DocMinder® Reports, Calendar, and Dashboard allow you to spot issues and view pending or completed work – Any Time, Any Where.
Unique differentiators/features
Collaboration: Keeps everyone on the same page with real-time updates. Reporting: Identify problems, produce reports for management oversight and evidence collection to prove proper handling. Checklists: Manage multiple individuals and assignments with one progress summary email. Workflow: Create ad-hoc procedures without technical assistance and save as reusable templates. Calendars: Drill down to see all comments and documents related to the matter. Oversight: From reporting, calendar and mobile dashboard.
Licensing model:
Manager and User Named Licenses
Target Market:
Corp Legal Dept., Law Firms, Contract & Compliance Management, WorkFlow Management
iManage Solution:
WORK (UAPP version
Product URL:
http://www.wordtech.com/docminderDocMinder removes bouncing from one product to the next found in typical document markup processes with a counterparty. Typically, you may start with a form document in iManage, send it to others, monitor your inbox for a returning marked up version, then search for your original to compare it to, launch compare software, send updates to parties, and repeat again and again. All this is labor intensive and open to accidents.
DocMinder provides you with automated project management for this common procedure with integration between Litera Compare, iManage, email, and Teams, all from one consolidated screen with Dashboards for fast management oversite.
Counter parties can also easily interact with the project from one screen within their DocMinder email notification.
Unique differentiators/features
• Easily compare different versions and manage changes from one consolidated screen
• Automatic routing and follow up on a project until closure including checklist approvals
• Seamless integration prevents accidents and moving from one product to the next
• Documents and related info are easily accessible and stored correctly
• Get a quick view of the project’s status without searching for new versions, originals, and emails
• Manage all your team’s projects with reports, calendars, and dashboards
Licensing model:
Per user / Site / Subscription
Target Market:
iManage / Litera Compare users that need a seamless way to collaborate on work.
Client references are available by request.
iManage Solution:
iManage Universal App
DocMinder PO Request Management is a flexible solution designed with an intuitive user interface. It handles the complete end to end process from inbound PO request management to routing for approval, then auto filing into iManage, then e-signature and refiling executed agreements correctly back into iManage. All with powerful management dashboards and reporting on upcoming renewals with the ability to identify bottlenecks and quickly interact to move work forward.
Target Market:
iManage users that need a flexible PO Management solution.
Available upon request
iManage Solution:
Full Work 10 Integration
DocMinder’s Tax and A/P processing application is a flexible solution designed with an intuitive user interface. It handles the complete end to end process from Tax Invoice importing, to routing for approval, then auto filing into iManage, then optional e-signature, refiling authorized documents correctly back into iManage and on to Accounting for authorized payment. All with powerful management dashboards and reporting on upcoming Tax Invoices with the ability to identify bottlenecks and quickly interact to move work forward.
Licensing model:
Available upon request
Target Market:
iManage users that need a flexible Tax A/P A/R solution.
Available upon request
iManage Solution:
Full Work 10 Integration
Making Knowledge Work
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