Innovative Computing Systems stands for integrity. Our honesty, sincerity and commitment to satisfy our clients, no matter what it takes set us apart from other integration firms. The firm was started in 1989 by Michael Kemps, who decided to form a computer networking products and services company that stressed network simplicity and efficiency, allowing clients greater productivity. Our firm is deeply committed to efficiency through technology. We will never accept mediocrity as a solution to a problem. We are completely dedicated to the implementation of sound technology and will not rest until all of our clients have adopted this philosophy. However, we will never berate or cajole clients to accomplish this goal; rather, we will act as “beacons of light” for the new technological era, beckoning clients out of the darkness.

iManage Products Implemented
  • Work
  • Security Policy Manager
  • Drive
  • Threat Manager
  • Cloud implementations
  • Mobility
Service Regions
  • North America - USA West
  • North America - USA East
  • North America - USA Central
  • North America - Canada
Communication Languages
  • English
Industry Focus
  • Law Firms
  • Corporate Legal
  • Real Estate
  • Financial Services
  • Accounting
  • Other Industries
Customers Implemented
Third Party Products Implemented
  • CCC Macro Pro
  • HotDocs
  • Copitrak
  • Lexmark Solutions
  • Change-Pro Premier
  • Metadact
  • Workshare Compare Server
  • pdfDocs
  • contentCrawler
  • Prosperoware CAM
  • Prosperoware Cloud Migrator
  • Prosperoware PowerDesktop
  • EasyImport
  • Migrate
  • Workspace Management
Innovative Computing Systems, Inc. (ICS)

Innovative Computing Systems stands for integrity. Our honesty, sincerity and commitment to satisfy our clients, no matter what it takes set us apart from other integration firms. The firm was started in 1989 by Michael Kemps, who decided to form a computer networking products and services company that stressed network simplicity and efficiency, allowing clients greater productivity. Our firm is deeply committed to efficiency through technology. We will never accept mediocrity as a solution to a problem. We are completely dedicated to the implementation of sound technology and will not rest until all of our clients have adopted this philosophy. However, we will never berate or cajole clients to accomplish this goal; rather, we will act as “beacons of light” for the new technological era, beckoning clients out of the darkness.

T. Glutz

Office Locations

Downtown Los Angeles, 1000 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1900, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Downtown San Francisco, 201 California Street, San Francisco, CA, USA

Bulding 1-295, 8310 N. Capital of Texas Highway, Austin, TX, USA