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Security and Governance

Manage the risk of data loss better

Complete and layered approach to information security and governance to manage the risk of data loss. Embedded into the entire life cycle of your information, it ensures complete protection without hindering productivity and collaboration. 

Tailored access control

Customized permissions for enhanced data security.

In-depth usage analytics

Detailed insights into information handling for informed decision-making.

Data retention and disposition

Secure data storage and disposal aligned with regulations.

Privacy Compliance

Ensuring protection amid evolving regulatory standards.

Making Knowledge Work

Meaningful Accessibility

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Secure Your Vision

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Keep Security Updated

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Video case studies

Actionable insights ward off threats

Every knowledge-based organization faces the challenge of protecting sensitive information from the menace of cybercrime. Learn how Travers Smith safeguards its precious knowledge assets — and those of its clients — with iManage.

Making Knowledge Work

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